
This page has come about from a suggestion by one of our contributors Frances Clarke.Thank you Frances.


The information page will be open to everyone who visits the website.The purpose of the information page is to give are visitors an opportunity to ask questions or share information on whatever subject they might have. Up until now any questions people had or any information they wanted to share they did it by using the forum is growing and so are the number of people visiting the website.What we have discovered is that the people who are registered at the forum are only a small fraction of our total visitors to the website and therefore it makes sense to have an information page on the website itself.?As I have said already the kind of questions asked or the information required does not have to be specificily related to Springtown Camp. The visitors to our website are a cross section of people,ex-springtowners ,Derry people in general, ex-pats and people from further a field.?So if you have a question or a query or some information you would like to pass on please email me at this adress and mark it for the information page,I will post on the website to see what kind of response we will get.?Hugo???????????Hugo patiently waiting for your questions and information! ?

Are you looking for information on anything on Springtown or beyond please email me or drop in at the Forum.